shri Guru charitra chapter - 10
In this video discussion between sidha muni and namadaraka . In this video
In this video discussion between sidha muni and namadaraka . In this video
Namadharaka wished to know what Sree Guru did after sending away his disciples onpilgrimage. So, Siddha
went on: “Oh Namadharaka, Sree Guru stayed at Vaidyanath for one
year. As I already told you, I stayed away with Him. One day, a Brahmin who was dull-witted
came to him, prostrated in reverence and submitted thus: „I strove hard for spiritual perfection.
But I could gain neither perfection nor even a capable guru. So I now take refuge in you. Please
teach me the way to liberation.‟ Hearing these words, Sree Guru said, „Son, first of all tell me,
who had taught you the way to perfection? Else, how could you
have ever tried for it?‟ TheBrahmin replied, „Swami, I first resorted to a guru. But he was very hard
-hearted. He went on
extracting my services and put me in much hardship. So I deserted him.‟ Sree Guru wasshocked at his words and berated him: „Alas, wh
at have you done! It can never be for yourgood. It is a sin even to look at the face like you, who has deserted his guru. Get away! Indeed,one who is unwilling to bow before his guru in humility, serve him with love or wait on him forinstruction with pa
tience and implicit obedience will never win the grace of the guru.‟ The visitorfelt miserable and said, „Sir how am I to recognize a genuine guru? How to serve him? Ibetrayed my guru out of my ignorance. Please save me!‟
shri Guru charitra chapter - 10