The assurance of Sreepada to His devotees
“As far as My matter was concerned, You could not give Me even the cheap thotakura.If you offered Me meals, you could have earned meritequivalent to feeding lakhs of Brahmins. You lost lot of fortune.Youshould depend upon scriptures when a debate arises as to what is‘dharma’ and what is ‘adharma’. However, when a doubt arises
whether the injunctions of scriptures are to be implemented or not,the decision of pure hearted people is to be regarded as an injunctionof scriptures. Whatever they say is vedic truth and their word isacceptable to the tenets of righteousness. Even if they want topronounce an unrighteous decree, the Goddess of Justice would notallow them to digress into an evil path and compel them to deliver acorrect judgement.
Your scriptures tell that it is sin to harm others. Thebattle that was fought in the presence of Lord Sri Krishna is famous as arighteous battle, the place where the battle between Kauravas and Paandavas took place had become famous as ‘Dharmakshetra’! Religious sacrifice gives punya! but, when the supreme Lord Shiva was not invited, the sacrifice performed by Daksha ultimately became a big battle. The head of Daksha was cut and fell. The head of a goat was fixed for him.
While there is aggravation of bile the physician would treat the patient with lemonand usiri (acid myrobalam). When a part of the body is putrefied, thesurgeon would serve it with a knife and treat it. I am also the same!Features of deities and devils also are within Me. I behave like alunatic, a ghost and also as a devil. Nevertheless, love towards allliving beings would be overflowing within Me. My conduct would be intune with your nature, the good and bad results of your actions. I willnot leave the hands of devotees who rendered total surrender to Me.I will drag My devotees residing in distant lands forcibly to MyKshetra. You should not discuss the origin of sages and rivers.
Has notthe supreme sakthi taken birth as Kanyaka Parameswari in the vysya caste?There are accomplished
siddhas in vysya sages. Not only for brahmin,kshatriya and vysya castes but low caste sudras
also are eligible for vedic upanayanam, if they observe spiritual discipline and regulations! The thirdeye should open up by performance of upanayanam. The inner consciousness should get purified and mind should concentrate on the knowledge ofSupreme. Your mind is completely absorbed in the knowledge of vegetables.Do you think that Brahmam is a commodity to be procured in the market?
Abrahmin in this life may be born as a pariah in the next birth and apariah in this birth may be born as a brahmin in the next birth. Pleasenote that the Supreme Brahmam transcends time and space; caste and religion.
God likes inner feelings and not external appearances. God works according to your feeling.
When matters relating to ‘knowledge ofBrahma’ come up I am a brahmin. When holding court inquiring the welfare of devotees and granting them favours I am a kshatriya.For every living being a wage would be fixed according to his actions of virtue or sin.The wages of every person are with Me. When I weigh and measurefor calculating what is due to every individual, I am a vysya. As serve people by attracting unto My body, the troubles and pains of mydevotees, I am a sudra.
Datta | sripada srivallabha charitamrutam|The assurance of Sreepada to
His devotees
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Datta | sripada srivallabha charitamrutam|The assurance of Sreepada to His devotees - Guru-power
Datta | sripada srivallabha charitamrutam|The assurance of Sreepada to His devotees - Guru-power
Datta | sripada srivallabha charitamrutam|The assurance of Sreepada to His devotees - Guru-power
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